charles-law.JPGI have pictures from the Heart of Country show, but just realized they are on Rob’s computer.  I’ll post them soon.  And, we just got a new camera that arrived today to replace the 5 year-old one that I’ve been using.  So my pictures should be bigger and better soon!

 Recently Nate participated in the science fair at school.  He did his experiment on Charles’ Law.  A little long to explain, but it was fun.  We blew up Ivory soap in the microwave and watched it expand into a cloudy puff of stuff.  My microwave is very clean now and smelling good–luckily the food doesn’t taste like Ivory.  We (notice the “we” because parents work on these things as much or more than the kids) didn’t place, but he got an “A” in science for the semester and learned some pretty interesting things about gas and how it expands.  But with boys, I’ve pretty much got the gas thing down.

Never a dull moment…

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